I originally thought I wanted to talk about Holiday eating on this #FitnessFriday, but I've had a change of heart.
I want to talk instead about our mental health during the holidays.
More specifically I want to talk about the power that we give our relatives over our happiness.
Go ahead and slip into some bell bottoms and put a flower in your hair, because I'm going to drop some hippy shit on you, but hang with me.
YOU are entirely responsible for the way you let other people make you feel and YOU get to decide how much joy you take away from your holiday.
And that can be a really hard pill to swallow when you are sitting across the table from a family member who you just don't vibe with.
So how do you combat that?
How do you push away their negativity and let yourself enjoy the festivities?
The truth is, it starts with your own thoughts. In these days leading up to Christmas, take the opportunity to find the positive in the things that are about to happen.
I don't know about you guys but I tend to dread. I sit there and I worry about how my family will get along or what they might say to hurt each other.
The problem is, all that worry is doing is stirring up the negativity.
Chose to live in the good stuff instead.
When you feel those what-ifs start creeping in, stop yourself and think of something you are greatful for instead.
Replace "Gosh what if my family thinks I didnt do a good job hosting Christmas" with "I'm so blessed that I CAN host Christmas" or "Thank God I get to have the jell-o salad that Grandma only rolls out on holidays".
Your thoughts carry great power over your circumstances. Make them work in your favor!
And sure, that's all well and good until you're standing in front of your sister who just said "Cute hair", when you both know she really meant "WTF is going on with your hair" and now you just want to throat punch her...what then??
Well, this is where you decide if this moment is worth it.
Is that crappy comment or their crappy attitude worth ruining your holiday?
9 times out of 10, the answer is no.
There is something truly amazing about standing in front of someone who has tried to make you feel bad, and deciding that they aren't worthy of stealing your joy.
The holidays are meant for more than presents and family drama.
Spend these days focusing on what you are greatful for and wishing blessings on the family that drives you bananas.
Your positivity will be contagious.
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