I grew up as a middle-row every Sunday kind of Christian.
Like most church kids, I knew the classic Christmas story forward and back.
The virgin birth.
Son of God.
And most importantly, it's NOT ABOUT THE GIFTS.
When I became a mom myself, and I started teaching my kids about Christmas, without even really thinking about it, I continued the mantra that Christmas was not about the presents.
But this year as I watched the news turn from political turmoil and celebrity feuds to stories of Christmas Magic, I realized, it is absolutely about the gifts.
And I believe that's the way Jesus wants it.
Sure there's the classic gifts like presents and money --and those can go a long way in bringing Christmas joy -- but there are the far more important gifts that are given this time of year.
There's the gifts of time spent with those who might otherwise be lonely.
The gift of volunteering for those who need a hand.
The random acts of kindness that always seem to find their way to help heal a heart that's hurting.
The gift of love.
"And the greatest of these is love." I know I'm taking 1 Corinthians a little out of context here, but the greatest gift given during this season is LOVE.
Love for our family. Love for our friends. Love for our fellow man.
God's love for us in the gift of his son.
And what better way to celebrate the birth of our savior than a month where believers and nonbelievers alike come together to give and to brighten the lives of those in need.
Guys, it's absolutely about the gifts.
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